Saturday, January 28, 2006

Travelling through time and comprehension

Lima, Trujillo, Tumbes - FRONTERA ECUADOR - Quito.
Ladies and gents, the girl is back. I'm in Quito now, but I'll start from where I've been leaving you alone and that was in Lima. Lima is something that you don't really like at first but I guess it grows on ye. Just like a friend said. I found a backpackers hostal in Miraflores (which is by far the most touristic place in Lima), but you really don't want to wonder of on your own at night in a town called Lima...A girl from Israel, a guide from Peru (Huaraz) Frank and a guy from the States, Marco, were there. All together we went out that evening in Lima, full of live. At 02.00 hours no more music, no more live so we decided to go back to the hostal to drink some more in the lobby. It's a very easy, cool place to be, this hostal. Unfortunately, the supermarket didn't sell anymore beer (from 23.00-06.00) so we just drank weird booze from the fridge in the hostal. I ended up having this real profound conversation with Marco untill 04.30 in the morning (check out this wonderful page: ) and then I did internet till 06.00. Time is of no importance so it seems. Next day I decided to relax one day in Lima before travelling more up north. Woke up 10.00 am, 4 hours of sleep, but it's frightening how good I feel. Walked by the beach, went to a commercial center that quite famous, icecream, coffee, sand, sun = fun. The temperature is like 30 here which is really nice. Miraflores is by the beach, but high up so you look down on the beach which is different and I like it a lot. I talked, while eating my icecream, with a Peruvian lady (she must have been around 80) who tried to convert me to some religion right there on that bench :-) I promised her that if I would find the time I would visit her church. Don't hate me for this, sometimes people feel better with white lies...When I went back to the hostal I realized I forgot where it was and I didn't have the name of the street, just the name of the hostal. Thankfully a passenger on a bycicle had all the time in the world to help me....That's something that amazes me still, untill now. Everywhere I've been and go, I haven't been able to be alone for that long. There was always somebody to help or to talk, to guide, to advice. Thank you for that. Well, with his help I found my hostal en we ate some fresh fruit. Later that evening (he had a car as well, very wel equipped in the transport area for Peruvians) he took me out to show me some more of Lima, which was very friendly. Next day, bus to Trujillo, said bye, bye again to my friends in the hostal and off I was again. In the bus I met two ladies (mum and daughter) from Costa Rica and we talked the whole trip. The mum was ever so nice and very warm, tender. I can hear and see a difference now between people from South and Middle America, so we talked about that. Later we went to the same hotel and this was a really good hotel for the first time. . Thank god that I didn't like Trujillo that much in the night. My book says about Trujillo that it has the most beautiful Plaza de Armas of Peru, which is absolute bullocks. There's nothing to do in Trujillo, after 22.00 = dead. So I slept early and like a queen. Next day went to visit something by the beach. Can't remember the name but it's a small fishersvillage. There are some beautiful ruines as well, but I knew that ruines again would ruine me....You can only take that much stones, can't you? I know, I'm bit of a culture barbare but hey, they really look the same and I've seen a lot of them....
So I went to this beachplace, which was really relaxing, talked with Peruvians, with an Australian guy, and hey, I saw a couple again that I saw in the orphanage in Cay-Cai, like a million years ago....I had the same experience in Arequipa, I saw this French lady (Francoise) again, that I met in Cusco....That's one the big mysteries of South America I guess. Meant to be? Coincidence? Who knows, but it's making you shiver and happy in the same time...I'me leaving you with this for now (I could say, to make you overthink this mysterie a bit, but really I have to go to the loo....). There's much more to follow soon....Ah, bought a camera, so hopefully fotos again soon....See ye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Er is dan echt meer tussen hemel en aarde dan louter toeval en het activiteitsgebonden feit, dat ondernemende mensen geregeld zo niet voornamelijk andere ondernemende mensen tegenkomen en dat je in een bepaald kader vaak merkt, dat de wereld slechts uit een klein kringetje actievelingen bestaat?
Okay: voordeel van de twijfel, maar verrassend en verheugend blijft het zonder meer!

Hou je camera goed vast! We zouden zo langzamerhand graag wel weer eens wat wetenswaardigheden-in-beeld willen aanschouwen......
en ein ding: blève srève, hoâh!

Iii & Mmm