Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Hello people, I'm back. In Holland however. I haven't been keeping up my stories for you to read but I've had other things on my mind and therefore found it difficult to concentrate on writing. . I hope you don't mind that I am writing from my safe office in Holland (and believe me, I know how to distinguish the fine lines between safe, safer and safest by now). Well, after my time in Ambato I decided to go to the Jungle for 4 days. It seemed a good idea at the time....Mmmm, but after a friendly struggle with a tame boa constrictor and a sleepover of at least 30 big cucarachas (cockroaches) and a black scorpion, not to mention the warnings from the guide (that lived much further down the road by the way, so I was completely alone) to watch out for snakes, tigers and bears, I was quite ready to go home (or anywhere else for that matter) again. Imagine spending the nights in a cabaña (a cabine without windows and a roof that's meters higher than were I wanted it to be - so open goal for all my more than two-legged friends). But home was not an option, in the middle of the rainforest, where there was no electricity, no people, no water....

However, it wasn't suffering the whole time, I've seen the heart of the rainforest, going through it with a machete, I have been swimming in waterfalls, I have been golddigging, making my own bracelets from the seeds of fruit. All and all it was very interesting, scarey and lonely. Even if you're very adventurous I wouldn't recommend a trip like this on your own ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goud vergoedt veel en heeft ondanks het feit dat het een niet magnetisch metaal is, een onweerstaanbare aantrekkingskracht...
Vele malen meer dan slissend en knisperend ongedierte, zelfs uit wetenschappelijk oogpunt, hoewel een armband van kakkerlakken waarschijnlijk meer bekijks trekt dan een gouden kettinkje....tja.

Voilà, de volgende souvenirs!

Iii & Mmm