Sunday, May 20, 2007

Whales - to see or not to see?

After a week in Ushuaia we had to move on. We took a plane, a nightbus and arrived at 07.15 in the morning in Puerto Madryn, a town just before the Peninsula Valdés. In December you can find many sorts of pinguins, orcas, all kind of whales, dolphins, sea-lions, seals and much more animals here. In May they have only seals and lookalikes, birds, a kind of dolphin, but.....maybe also suddern right whales. They have been spotted a view days ago, so we´re going to rent a car to observe the inner coastline of this peninsula. We have a very small chance but hey... who doesn´t try sees nothing. Temperature rised: 15º d. We can take one layer of clothes away. In a few days we´ll be in Buenos Aires where it will be warmer again and with the tango coming up I don't worry about temperatures anymore...You can witness soon wheather the big whale-tail has been within eye-sight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what beautiful experiences you are having! Wonderful the results of the digital camera these days, that way we can enjoy the beautiful sceneries as well AND sort of with you!!

Love, Margot.