Monday, June 04, 2007

Something different

Today was our last day in Buenos Aires. I had planned to go to an orphanage here last week, but we got ill, quite ill I can say, stomachtrouble. (They should have left the Red Hot Chili Peppers singing and out of the salsa at dinner)..

Anyway, I went today to a childrens home, with children of parents with Aids/HIV with a girl that was in our hostal, Kirsten. It was a beautiful day after a few colder ones, and so was the shelter, beautiful. There were only 2 children at the time because of illness, the rest was in school, but after what I had seen in Peru and Ecuador this shelter looked like a home in heaven for children. A safe and very nice environment. I expected, maybe because it is such a big city, more discomfort or poorer circumstances, but thankfully it was really homey and cosey. We asked about the children, if they are ill or will get ill or from (very) sick parents and most are not ill yet, but some did loose their parents and most of them will in the near future. Eventhough they seem taken care of very well, I still want to mention the internet page for anyone that maybe interested for whatever reason:
More on this subject when I get to Brasil..

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