Experts as we are by this time on bustrips to where-ever, getting used to them is a quality you have to develop. I still do not sleep more than 3 hours ore less on nightbuses, and you really feel broken once you get of them. Anyway 14 hours of road-rocking from Floripa to Foz de Iguazú, the ultra famous waterfalls at the border of three countries, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay are in sight. This is a place where there is nothing more to say than aaaahhhhh, wooow, noooo, pfffffffff
I know now what the fuzz is about Foz!
The photo's don't do the spectacular phenomany justice but I will let you have some fragments anyway. Maybe just the photo's that were taken from the Helicopter. Yes, the helicopter. I have been in a helicopter.
A helicopter.....
Super die regenboog en sexy die foto met je natte haar haha!
helemaal goed. Fantastisch dat jullie zo genieten! gr Mirjam
Hoe kan ik nou niet reageren op een helicopter, fantastisch, dat lijkt me ook wel wat. Het lijkt wel of je bijna in de cockpit zit. Mooie foto!
Hier alles prima. Bedankt voor je mail.
Hallo Mirjam, dank voor je enorm leuke commentaar! We hebben het inderdaad goed. En het genieten is nog lang niet afgelopen...
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