Saturday, June 09, 2007

Montevidéo and moving on...

After the nice time in Colonia we went to Montevidéo, capital of Uruguay. Inhabitants 1,4 million, which is almost half of the whole country (3,3 million). Montevidéo has nothing really special. A lot of beautiful buildings that have never been cleaned nor restored which gives the city a gloomy look. So no need to stay very long. We did eat very well there. The first evening we found this local place with bright tl-lights, not very cosey but with an incredible buffet. Delicious, so round tummies again..The next day we spended walking around on the markets, visited the great theatre of Solis, that was famous in the old days, and we ate fresh seafood in the Mercado del Puerto (market of the harbour).On saturday´s all the locals come out to eat there and it was a wild decor of people drinking and eating and having fun. Next day, wake up time 05.30 for the bus to Punta del Diablo...I wonder what that will be like..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kon geen Punta del Diablo vinden in de atlas, ligt het nog in Urugay? In Brazilië is het allemaal "do" wat de klok slaat natuurlijk. Zag nog wel het "Lagoa Mirim", scheelt maar een (h)a(ar)tje.Wordt het al wat warmer? We kunnen momenteel aardig concurreren wat het weer betreft denk ik, broeierig, af en toe een tropische stortbui, nou, hou jullie haaks, liefs van Pinguin